Dr. Arthur Doctor

Dr. Arthur Doctor, the new Director of the Office of Fraternal Leadership and Learning, says he is most passionate about things that "are a result of not only my identity but things that impact the lives of those I care about."

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This week's Featured Feminist, Doctor grew up in Charleston, South Carolina for the first 14 years of his life and then moved to Richmond, Virginia for his high school years. He is extremely passionate about issues pertaining to African American male success.

"So that be access to higher education, interaction with law enforcement, or mentoring, if it has anything to do with the overall life experiences or success of African American males I am passionate about it.  Additionally, my strong relationship with the women in my life (sister, mom and grandmothers) has opened my eyes to issues pertaining to women’s rights and empowerment."

Although Doctor doesn't think they would call themselves feminists his mom and his grandmothers, specifically his grandmother Victoria, were his earliest influences. "Their ability to lead in very different ways had an impact on me and were great examples of strong women.  My mother is such a go-getter and takes initiative when she sees some thing that needs to be addressed.  She was and continues to be an inspiration to other young girls and women through her work in the community."  

"My “grandmama” Victoria is has been at the forefront of fighting for women to have equal opportunities since I can remember.  She utilized her platform as one of the few women clergy in our area to be an advocate and support system for all she encountered.  As a result, she still is one of the most respected clergy in Charleston.  Additionally, she commanded a level of respect within our family that was an example for everyone to follow." 

Doctor was impacted by many individuals who he would call feminists.  His peers like Lyndsey Mayweather, who he worked with to found the Clemson Black Student Union along with another group of students to Faneisha Ragin, who was a well-respected leader on campus and an outspoken advocate for students, "I was fortunate to be surrounded by a number of influential feminists in my life," he said.

Having been here only 4 months, Doctor says "I am extremely proud of the work my staff and I have been able to do in just that short time."  They recently launched the EMERGE program, which is a leadership program for new members of the Greek community.  "There are a few things that are on the horizon that I believe will allow the Office of Fraternal Leadership & Learning to continue to address the needs of our large community," Doctor told us.


Dr. M. Cade Smith


Beth Anne Fennelly, M.F.A.