Graduate Minor
in Gender Studies
Graduate Minor
The Sarah Isom Center for Women and Gender Studies offers a “Graduate Minor in Gender Studies.” This minor is available to students already accepted for graduate study or currently enrolled as graduate students in a home department or area of study at the university. Earning a Graduate Minor in Gender Studies indicates that the bearer has an area of concentration and specialization in the interdisciplinary field of Gender Studies in addition to and/or within their regular graduate coursework.
Graduate students will receive a minor in gender studies when they complete G ST 601: Gender Theory and a minimum of 9 additional hours in classes dealing with women’s issues, gender and/or sexuality. A student must take at least 6 of these hours outside of their department. No more than 3 of these hours can be Directed Readings, and students cannot apply thesis or dissertation hours. Students must maintain at least a "B" average in all courses counted toward the minor. The time limit for completing a minor is four years.
A list of courses that count for the minor can be found on the Isom Center’s website. Other graduate classes may count toward the minor with the approval of the director of the Sarah Isom Center for Women and Gender Studies and the Isom Center's Curriculum Committee.
Anyone interested in finding out more or enrolling in this certificate program should meet with the Director of the Sarah Isom Center for Women and Gender Studies to work on identifying appropriate courses and independent study options.