Queering Oxford: The Long Path to Pride

Hi, I’m Julia Kraus, a grad student in Southern Studies at the University of Mississippi and your guide through some untold stories of our town. For my Master’s thesis, I decided to explore the rich and often hidden narratives of LGBTQ+ folks right here in Oxford. This exploration turned into a podcast episode, “Queering Oxford: The Long Path to Pride.” I wanted to share not just the history but the vibrant now of our queer community.

To stitch together this rich history, I pulled from a bunch of cool places. I revisited an interview with the incredible Pat Miller in the Queer Mississippi Archive, had another enlightening chat with her myself, snagged insights from Matt Kessler on Swerve South, and topped it off with a seriously moving clip of a speech by Loki Francis Swain that’s been making rounds online.

All these voices paint a picture of a community that’s always been here, making space where little was given. Now, with the Oxford Pride Parade coming up on Saturday, May 4, 2024, from 2:00 PM to 3:00 PM, we’ve got a chance to celebrate how far we’ve come and where we’re headed next. So, grab your flags, bring your friends, and let’s make this Pride in Oxford a blast.

Whether you’ve been part of this journey for a while or just want to show some love, your support means the world. See you there!

Julia Krauspride