Ari Friedlander

Associate Professor of English

Ari Friedlander is an Associate Professor of English at the University of Mississippi. His book, _Rogue Sexuality in Early Modern English Literature: Desire, Status, Biopolitics_, is forthcoming from Oxford University Press in 2022. For _JEMCS: Journal for Early Modern Cultural Studies_, he co-edited and wrote the introduction to a special issue called “Desiring History and Historicizing Desire." Other publications on sexuality, gender, class, and disability, have appeared or are forthcoming in _SEL: Studies in English Literature: 1500-1900_, _The Oxford Handbook on Shakespeare and Embodiment_, and _Logomotives: Words that Change the Premodern World_ (Edinburgh University Press, 2023). His research has been supported by the Folger Shakespeare Institute, the Huntington Library, the Mellon Foundation, the Volkswagen Stiftung and the University of Mississippi's College of Liberal Arts.

Gender Studies -Related Research Interests: Theories and Histories of Early Modern English Gender, Sexuality, and Reproduction

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